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The ILOCALAPP project will last 35 months, from 1 October 2015 to 31 August 2018. During the project duration, 3 intellectual outputs will be produced: 1) Methodological Framework; 2) Learning Materials; 3) App Development.

The general project timeline is the following:
Year 1: development of methodological documents.
Year 2: development of contents and device.
Year 3: pilot phase and finalisation of the product.

Intellectual Output 1 - Methodological Framework
This Intellectual Output consists in the methodological framework which constitutes the basis both for the production of learning materials and for the technical implementation of the app.
Intellectual Output 2 - Learning Materials
This Intellectual Output consists in the production of the learning materials which will be then integrated into the APP.
Intellectual Output - 3 App Development
This Intellectual Output consists in the development of an app suitable for the incidental learning of languages and cultures.

The details of the project implementation
The project implementation is organised in 4 macro-phases, along which 3 transversal macro-activities are run.

Focus on

Project meetings
Regular in person-meetings will be organised to facilitate the smooth implementation of the project activities and to reinforce the partners’ collaboration.
Virtual meetings
Cooperation and communication will benefit from conference calls for virtual meetings among internal coordinators of partner institutions. The aim is to monitor and to share the advancement of the work plan.
Multiplier Events
9 Multiplier events will be organised throughout the project.