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Project meetings

Regular in person-meetings will be organised to facilitate the smooth implementation of the project activities and to reinforce the partners’ collaboration.

All project partners will participate in 7 plenary transnational meetings which will be organised during the project lifetime:

  1. Kick-off meeting will be held at M4 (13-14 January 2016) in Bologna. Main aims: discuss and approve the whole project implementation, presentation of project management tools (Communication Platform, reporting tools) and plans (Quality, Dissemination), presentation of website, discuss the Methodology, discuss the Questionnaire.
  2. 2nd project meeting will be held at M8 (18-19 May 2016) in Rovaniemi. Main aims: comments on Outline of Methodology and Survey, discuss the Map of contents.
  3. 3rd project meeting will be held at month 13 (19-20 October 2016) in Poznan. Main aims: discuss and approve the Re-contextualisation, plan work on new materials and implementation of the app.
  4. 4th project meeting will be held at M18 (29-30 March 2017) in Bologna. Main aims: discuss and approve new materials, share the advancement of device production (demo version of the app), plan 1st multiplier events.
  5. 5th project meeting will be held at M24 (20-21 September 2017) in Coimbra. Main aims: monitor the advancement of the learning materials and of the app implementation, plan the pilot phase (including feedback forms) and the organisation of the 2nd multiplier event.
  6. 6th project meeting will be held at M30 (28-29 March 2018) in Poznan. Main aims: discuss pilot phase, plan revision.
  7. Final project meeting will be held at M34 (10-12 July 2018) in Rimini. Main aims: preparation of Final Report; final evaluation of the project; discussion on future steps.

3 transnational bilateral meetings will take place between Unibo ICT experts and each partner institution in order to check the app in situ: the 1st will be in Coimbra in September 2017, along with the plenary meeting; the 2nd and the 3rd will take place in October 2017 in Poznan and in Rovaniemi.