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ILOCALAPP Focus groups

In the following weeks dedicated focus groups will be carried out in each partner institution.

Apr 19, 2016 to Apr 27, 2016

Where Bologna, Coimbra, Poznan, Rovaniemi

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After the online questionnaire to explore students’ habits and preferences about language & culture apps, the ILOCALAPP Consortium will carry out dedicated focus groups in each partner institution.

The ILOCALAPP focus groups are aimed at defining and designing the functionalities and the services that our app will provide.

Current and/or future mobility students will be involved in the focus groups and will provide their precious contribution to the app planning.

This is the calendar of the focus groups:

Rovaniemi: 19 April 2016

Coimbra: 20 & 27 April 2016

Poznan: 20 April 2016

Bologna: 27 April 2016