Alessia Marchi
Graduated in Sciences of Communication at the University of Bologna (2001) and awarded by a Post-graduate specialisation in International Cooperation for Development (2002).
Between 2004 and 2007 she worked as researcher and project manager in a non-profit organization active in the field of educational research & innovation: she carried out project management and implementation activities - research/analysis, dissemination, networking, etc. - in the framework of several EU funded programmes: (eLearning, Socrates, Leonardo, Interreg IIIC, Economic Cross Cultural Programme).
Since 2004 she has been working in the International Relations Division of the University of Bologna, at first in the management of student mobility activities (particularly with a responsibility on the implementation of the first edition of the Erasmus Placement Programme at UNIBO), then in the Management, Administration, Promotion and Financial Unit of the same Division, giving support to management activities and financial management of EU funded projects under the LifeLong Learning (LLP), ALFA III, Tempus and Edu-link programmes.
She is currently part of the European Projects Unit of the International Relations Division, working as Project Advisor in the framework of the new educational and training programmes, particularly the Erasmus+ Programme.